According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual job turnover rate was 57.3% in 2020.


Most marketers use email lists exclusively. At one time these lists may have been accurate, but over time they become anything but. With a high turnover rate across the industry, a contact’s information changes over time. If you don’t have an actual relationship with your contacts, your effectiveness at conveying a message goes to zero quickly. We understand this, that’s why our emails go to people we have relationships with. Without relationships, many corporate mail servers only allow approved communications within their corporate email systems.


Despite best efforts, communicating via email is not an option with some corporations in the financial industry. This is where social media provides value. We are growing our social media presence more rapidly by the year. Our followers have topped 10,000 just last year and we expect that to continue to grow. We post all our deals on LinkedIn and the deal exposure data is provided on our Analytics+ reports. Very few marketers provide analytics, and almost none provide analytics on social. We are not your average marketer.


We hear it all the time, “What if you cannot email a person, or they are not on social media?” This is why we created Calendar+. The barriers to communicating just got blown away. With Calendar+, we push not just deal information, but all contact info including all documents. People can subscribe for free, no data mining, completely anonymous. Nothing but total deal transparency with no logins or pay walls. Subscribe to Calendar+ today.


Notification+ is our newest product that leverages our cloud storage services with the simplicity of a single page pdf for your distribution. Imagine being able to send a single page pdf with your deal information along with all the deal documents included in that single page. This is Notification+, a simple, clean and easy document that has all the attached documents associated with the deal instantly available with a single click. Now distributing your deal notice to all of you clients and distribution lists can be done without confusing file names, large files that may not send due to email restrictions, or having to search through multiple emails or download sites. And when the pdf is not in digital form, a QR code at the bottom on the page can be scanned to download the digital version with all the documents, instantly.